Promogim extras

Personal assistance

Promogim provides experienced teams in your region, to assist you throughout your real estate project.

Our fully dedicated sales agents are available to help you find the right solutions for your lifestyle and make your dreams a reality.

The financial aspect represents an important element for the success of your project: interest-free loan and local subsidies, tax exemption law and deferral of installments, etc. Our agents take as much time as needed to explain you the banking systems. They offer you customized financing plans entirely free of charge. They also inform you of the various characteristics of housings, particularly regarding enhanced acoustic and thermal insulation.

With Promogim, you are never alone. Our sales agents guide you every step of the way, from the preparation of your record to the delivery of your property. Furthermore, after the purchasing of your housing, we introduce you to a dedicated technical manager. He/She will accompany you until the delivery and the after sales service of your property.


Become a Promogim client and sponsor your friends !
Make your real estate project a reality with Promogim and participate in our big sponsorship campaign.
Devenez notre ambassadeur auprès de vos proches, vos amis ou vos collègues de travail et faites-leur profiter de la qualité des réalisations Promogim. En parrainant ainsi un « filleul », vous recevrez une prime de 2 000 €* dès que la signature notaire de son acquisition sera confirmée. Votre « filleul » recevra par mail une « Wonder e-card* » de Wonderbox d’une valeur de 150 €* (valable auprès de 400 enseignes dont Maisons du Monde, Ikea, Leroy Merlin, Castorama, Truffaut etc…)

Special offer

Your needs change at each stage of your life. Promogim guides you and rewards your loyalty by offering you exceptional conditions for any new purchasing :

2% discount on your second purchase
3% discount on your next purchases !


Principal residence

With the arrival of the youngest, Emily and Brian think bigger. Promogim offers functional housings, close to useful services that make your life easier (nursery, school, shops, public transportation services, etc.) and at the right price.

Tax exemption

Carol and Steven want to reduce their taxes, while preparing for retirement. They can count on Promogim for a direct purchasing of an apartment with good rental value, and benefit from the ongoing tax systems to optimize their rental investment.


The eldest son of Mary and John just got his first job far from home. Promogim offers them to :

  • help their son to settle,
  • get a future second residence for retirement,
  • build an estate they can pass on.


  • 2% discount on the total amount of the second purchase, 3% discount on the total amount of the next purchases.
  • Offer available to private individuals and REITs purchasing housing within 10 years after one or more housing purchases with Promogim.
  • The offer may not be combined with other ongoing offers or promotions.
  • The 10 years period starts from the signing of the deed of sale of the previous purchase(s), to the booking date (or pre-booking) of the ongoing purchase made from January 1, 2018.
  • For a simultaneous purchase, the discount applies on purchase of the cheapest housing.
  • Offer not valid for two semi-detached housings.

Purchase a principal residence

Aide à la revente

PROMOGIM vous aide à revendre votre bien actuel.

Si vous souhaitez revendre votre bien actuel, vous pouvez profiter de l’offre de notre partenaire CITYA IMMOBILIER.

  • 1. Une prise de contact sous 48 heures(1).
  • 2. Une estimation gratuite du bien effectuée sous 8 jours.
  • 3. Un taux d’honoraires de 4 % HT(2) sur le prix de vente.
  • 4. Un Diagnostic de Performance Énergétique (DPE) offert.
  • 5. Un interlocuteur expérimenté et une méthode comparative exclusive.

Garantie revente immobilière*

Pour vous permettre de protéger à la fois votre patrimoine et votre famille face aux imprévus de la vie, Promogim a souscrit pour vous à une police d’assurance “Protection Revente Immobilière”.

Profitez de 5 ANS de garantie OFFERTS

  • La Garantie Revente Immobilière couvre pendant 5 ans l’éventuelle perte financière, c’est à dire la différence entre le prix d’achat et son prix de revente subie lors de la revente précipitée du bien immobilier, suite à un événement particulier de la vie :

Pour la résidence principale, la résidence secondaire et l’investissement locatif, les événements pris en compte sont :

- décès accidentel,
- la perte totale et irréversible d’autonomie suite à accident,
- licenciement économique,
- liquidation judiciaire du travailleur non salarié,
- divorce,
- dissolution du PACS.

Auxquels s’ajoutent uniquement pour la résidence principale :

- La mutation professionnelle à plus de 50 km et les naissances multiples.

  • L’indemnité de compensation est plafonnée à 10% du prix d’achat du bien immobilier, dans la limite de 30 000 €(1).
  • Grâce à la protection juridique, bénéficiez d’un accompagnement à l’amiable ou au judiciaire en cas de litiges liés à la revente de votre bien immobilier(2).

To invest

Making a rental investment in a new property is a safe and lasting investment to build the future, while benefiting from favourable tax measures in order to reduce your taxes.

With the Promogim benefits, you make a secure investment without any pressure.

Top savings

Easy rental investment. By entrusting rental management of your property to a professional such as our partner Citya, you no longer have to worry about :

  • searching for a new tenant,
  • unpaid rents (additional guarantee)

Offer provided by our partner Citya and valid for 24 months from the first rental. which represents 6% tax-free of the payments amount. The benefit of this offer is guaranteed by signing the Citya rental management contract.

This insurance covers you, for example, in the event of a natural disaster or loss, whether your housing is occupied or not. For more details, contact our sales agents*.